- Mollies Porch
- Vinal Haven
- Maxcys View of The Cove
- Cove Gardens
- Saybrook Terrace
- Blue Stripes and Begonias
- Autumn S Bristol
- Leaving Monhegan
- Blue Stair and Begonias
- Island Inn
- Mariners Salvation
- Pemequid Point
- Nantucket Fishing Club
- Smith Garden
- Mykonos
- Christmas Cove
- Damariscove Island
- Diemer Farm
- Early Morning
- Mistic Seaport Panorama
- Little Nantucket Creek
- Avon Farm
- Mystic Seaport
- Swing Bridge South Bristol
- Alice and IO
- Bouy 3
- Bouys 2
John Atwater was born in 1954 in Worcester, Massachusetts. He studied at the Washington University School of Fine Arts in St. Louis, Missouri and worked as a commercial artist eight years before devoting himself full time to painting. His work is featured in the books Marine Painting and Splash – America’s Best Contemporary Watercolors.
Drawing on the subtlety of light and atmosphere of the Hudson River and Luminist schools, John Atwater captures the beauty and life of coastal landscapes. Since 1980 he has spent a number of weeks each summer sailing and driving along the Maine coastline, from Boothbay Harbor to Camden, gathering research material for his paintings, which he completes in his Connecticut studio.
John Atwater is a member of the American Watercolor Society, American Society of Marine Artists, and president of the Connecticut Watercolor Society. He has received awards in the 1985, 1988 and 1989 American Watercolor Society Exhibitions and his work is displayed in the permanent collection of the Mystic Seaport Museum.
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© 2024 John Atwater / Licensed by D. Parks and Associates LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.