- Garage Life
- RM Studio
- After the Gold Rush Las Vegas
- Airplane and Truck
- American Indian Goods Shop
- Arizona Café Hiroaki Shioya
- Barber Shop
- Big Sky Saloon
- Billiards Restaurant
- Brown Sugar
- Gas Stand
- Country Cooking
- Cross Roads Music Shop
- Flower Patio Garden
- The Red Truck in The Garden
- Hot Rod
- Mother Kitchen
- Purple Wharfside
- Quilting Yarn Fabric Shop
- Sunset Street
- Sweet Home Flower Shop
- Seaside Blue
- Winter Evening
- Summer Cleaning
- Stoking the Fire
- Springtime Picnic
- Roasting Marshmellows
- Redecorating
- Playing with Sleigh
- Holiday Cooking
- FN Racing Car
- Flower Picnic
- Doghouse
- Devoted Rock’n’ Roll
- Dancing with Grandpa
- Cowboy Truckers
- Cooking Together
- Circus
- Chopping Wood
- Camping Break in Diner
- Bedtime Story
- Baseball-Bench Warming
- 50’s Style Garage
Hiroaki Shioya was born in Shizuoka Japan in 1953.
Shioya graduated from the Japan Design School with a focus in Business Design in 1974. After graduation, he gained work at an advertisement agency.
In 1980, Shioya started working as a freelance artist. Starting from 1994 to current, Shioya has been designing for calendars, packaging, and jigsaw puzzles for Oriental Land at the Tokyo Disney Resort. Also for Tokyo Disney, he designed a “Grand Opening” poster, commemorating the 5th anniversary of Tokyo Disneyland. In the 90’s Shioya’s artwork has shown in group exhibits called, “Contemporary Art in Japan” at Art 54 gallery in New York City. In 1993 Shioya received the 60th annual Mainichi Advertisement and Design award, as well as awards for book cover design. In 1996 Shioya had a one-man show of original work at Space Sugar called, “Be on the Horizon.” In 1998 Shioya showed original work at Space Sugar called, “Illustrators Show 5.”
Hiroaki Shioya has worked to create many illustrations for videogame packages, jigsaw puzzles, as well as book cover design for famous mystery novels in Japan.
Shioya always tries to produce work that is warm and real, with a delicate style.
Shioya has always been fascinated with American cars from the 50’s and 60’s, every-day objects, and views of the countryside. These things that possess a gentle nature must be loved to stimulate his creativity, and he believes they represent the human spirit.
Another reason why Shioya fascinated with the American countryside is due to some of the movies and TV shows that he watched as a child. They were always so different from Japanese movies, and it made a strong impression on him.
Shioya have had the opportunity to create art that is full of American nostalgia and this work has brought him much happiness.
There are so many works of art filled with human emotion; Shioya would like to create the same emotional response with his artworks.
CLICK HERE to learn more about opportunities for licensing Hiroaki Shioya’s artworks.
© 2025 Hiroaki Shioya / Licensed by D. Parks and Associates LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.